Hi - is there any limit to the amount of events a timeline can reflect? I'm in the process of building one which could easily exceed 3 to 4 thousand separate events over a 50 year period. Do you foresee any issues with this volume of events?
Maximum number of Events on a timeline?
Joe There is no technical limit, but there may be practical limits of browser performance, and more importantly, intelligibility.
Timeline is designed for storytelling. Readers will understand your story better if you provide the authorial/editorial function of coalescing thousands of bits into fewer, more important events.
The longest timeline I've seen in production is La Nacion's timeline of popes. http://blogs.lanacion.com.ar/data/herramientas/todos-los-papas-en-un-timeline-js/
Jane Becker at one place where there are questions and answers, I read there was a limit to the number of slides.....that particular reference stated 20-30. and yet a few timelines with I'm guessing as many as 100 or more.....one of which you reference in your reply. I have a timeline that has 29 at this point and I have more to add. 24 seems to be the number that will display in my scenario. I know there isn't much information to go on in this comment at this point. The website I am working on is www.springvalleybaptist.org.......the timeline is found under "Welcome" then "History". I have used the Google worksheet to build my timeline from......is there any possibility, that any formatting or anything in the worksheet might be preventing the timeline from going past slide 24?
Thanks for your reply.....absolutely love this tool!.....just anxious to complete my timeline. I contemplated breaking it in to pieces and then have multiple timelines, but it seems it would be best to have one nice timeline that could display the church history.
Jane Becker
John Patuto For what it's worth, my timeline (http://www.cygnus-x1.net/links/rush/timeline.php) now contains nearly 250 entries...all of which include images or video links. The timeline is performing just fine...
Joe Germuska Our friends at La Nación in Argentina made a timeline of all the popes, which is a little bigger than John's. But remember: many of TimelineJS's design decisions are towards a goal of telling good stories. I'm skeptical that a Timeline with that many events tells a story well. Of course, you should use it if you find it appropriate, but...
Kenneth Whitmore The timeline works beautifully, but when there are a lot of events, getting to a specific event becomes burdensome with just scrolling and limited zoom capability.
There is one hiccup that irks me, though, and that is that some photos I link to are not showing up, apparently due to Google Sites permissions scheme.
I highly recommend adding a date field or year, month and day dropdown lists to automatically home in on and expand the given date, at least as far as one day spanning the view area, subdivided into hours or even quarter hours. This would mean supporting date and time.
Additionally, being able to filter on a given year, month and/or day or day of the week or range of dates would be truly awesome.