1) Can the width of the flags reflect the time duration? (i.e. I would like the flags to behave like .event-line, seen at the bottom of the timeline.)
2) Can individual flags or flags of a specific category (tag) be styled?
1) Can the width of the flags reflect the time duration? (i.e. I would like the flags to behave like .event-line, seen at the bottom of the timeline.)
2) Can individual flags or flags of a specific category (tag) be styled?
Can we visualize the span / duration of the time line underneath.... something like this http://www.tiki-toki.com/timeline
TimelineJS doesn't support custom flags as an off-the-shelf feature. But it is possible to customize the flags with some CSS.
If you're looking for inspiration, you might poke around this timeline, which has customizations that might be similar to what you're after: http://www.musee-moyenage.fr/collection/oeuvre.html