I was wondering is it possible to resize the icons on a map. The area that my map covers is relatively small and the client that I am designing the website for has asked me if it is currently possible to resize them.
I was wondering is it possible to resize the icons on a map. The area that my map covers is relatively small and the client that I am designing the website for has asked me if it is currently possible to resize them.
If you are hosting your own storymap.css, you can use your browsers inspect function to find the current css of the icons and then over ride the width: and height: by adding something like this to the existing code....
.vco-map .vco-mapmarker,......
width: 32px !important;
height: 43px !important;
Did you find a way to increase the icon size without hosting it on your own? Asking because I'd love to do the same too