
Can I use TimelineJS with WordPress?

It depends. TimelineJS does not work with sites. We are researching ways to address this.

By default, self-hosted WordPress strips `iframe` tags from HTML created by some user roles, but not by others. People should generally install the plugin.

If you are able to install plugins to your Wordpress installation, we have a WordPress plugin for Timeline. It supports embedding Timelines with WordPress "shortcode", and as of version, it also has experimental "oembed" support. That means that you can take a direct URL to a timeline (like you get with the "get link to preview" button) and put it in a post on a line by itself, and it should be embedded. (Make sure you've updated the plugin before you try it.)

If you want to see the WordPress plugin in action, it is installed on ``


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  • 0

    I put <iframe></iframe> from "step4" at WordPress 4.8.1 post (text tab) and everything is ok for now.

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    Nicki Hambleton

    I would be ever so grateful if you could give me a step by step as I cannot get this to work, please? I do not follow the instructions above re the shortcode. Thank you.

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    In WP, just create new page and at text tab put code <iframe></iframe> with URL of yours timeline. Look at the picture below.

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    max baumgarten

    Hi there: 


    Do you know if TimelineJS and/or StoryMapJS work with Tumblr? I am teaching a Digital History class in the fall and am looking for a platform that works well with these two programs. 

    Here is my email: 

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    Knight Lab

    Yes, if you switch to the "HTML" editor in Tumblr, you can simply paste the same iframe embed code into the post that you would use anywhere else.


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    Hilsen IT

    When i read about this i thought about a WordPress installation exporting its posts to Timeline JS data. So you have the user friendly design of WordPress and the functionality of Timeline JS. So you can create a site where different users can edit and publish different data for the timeline.

    Not an external excel document. For many it is difficult to handle and a bit annoying with this data - copying and pasting for example.

    It can be done - instant updating and working perfectly

    If you use Advanced Custom Fields for start- and end date and a custom code for exporting.

    I hope someone can use it. I've written a guide on Stackoverflow: 

    Edited by Hilsen IT
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