
Help us translate StoryMapJS into other languages

StoryMap's older sibling, TimelineJS has proven internationally popular, in part because users have contributed translation support for dozens of languages. StoryMap is also ready to be used in languages other than English, but once again, we'll need your help.

For each language, we need a simple file with a name like xx.js, where xx is the two letter code for the language. (Technically, it's the ISO 639-1 code—you can find a list of them on Wikipedia.) The file defines a Javascript object with language specific translations. To make one for your language, copy one of the existing files (like this one for Spanish) and edit the quoted strings. Please don't change the "keys"—the unquoted strings. If you know how to use GitHub to make a pull request, that's the best way to submit it to us. If that's not your thing, you can "add a comment" to this article and attach your translation file as an upload.

Please note: all contributions should be saved using the UTF-8 character encoding.

Thank you! 

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  • 0
    Karol Gruszka

    Polish translate :)

  • 0
    Karol Gruszka

    I made a small mistake, but the second file is ok

  • 0
    Joe Germuska


    Thanks for your contribution. When I look at the second 'pl.js' file, it looks like there may be some character encoding issues.


    map_overview: "Przegl¹daj mapê",

    uncollapse_toggle: "Poka¿ mapê"

    Files should be submitted in UTF-8 encoding; I'll annotate the top post in this topic to make that more clear.

    When I reopen the file using ISO-8859-3 it looks more likely correct:

    map_overview: "Przeglıdaj mapê",

    uncollapse_toggle: "Pokaż mapê"

    Can you verify? If so, I'll convert it from ISO-8859-3 to UTF-8. 


  • 0
    fabrizio troccoli

    Hi I'm not an expert but I would like to see it also in italian and it's what I did for you. I hope it is ok and I'm waiting for your answer :) thank you!



  • 0
    Joe Germuska


    I am guessing you also contributed this via GitHub? There was a small technical error in how you made that request, but no matter: I've added your translation file, and the editing tool at is not updated to support Italian (as well as Polish, German, Spanish and English).

    Thank you!

  • 0
    Karol Gruszka

    Hey, this is a new file is saved in UTF-8 character encoding.

  • 0
    Joe Germuska

    Thank you; we've processed that file and it will be included in the next StoryMap update.

  • 0

    Hi, this is Farsi (Persian) language file

    Thanks for letting us make what we needs

  • 0
    Joe Germuska

    Thank you for the contribution. This will be included in a release of TimelineJS very soon.

  • 0
    Joe Germuska

    (by the way, it looks like that Farsi file was for Timeline, even though this thread has otherwise been about StoryMapJS. It doesn't matter, really, but I wanted to make sure there was no undue confusion.)

  • 0

    Oh u right I was in a hurry and confused and made a mistake, sorry

    but this FA.js is for timlineJs as u already now.

    thanks in advance

  • 0

    Hi Joe, I'm trying to prepare the Chinese language file for StoryMapJS. I found there is only one code "zh"  for Chinese in the ISO 639-1 list.

    In fact, Chinese language has two standards of characters: Simplified Chinese is only  for use in mainland China, and Traditional Chinese is commonly used outside mainland China, such as Hong Kong and Taiwan.

    I'm only a Simplified user, not very familiar with Traditional,  so I just translated  the Simplified version (named zh-cn.js). But I figured that you may need both. 

    Thank you :)

  • 0
    Joe Germuska

    We can support the language/variant codes (like zh-cn and zh-tw). So what you did is useful, and if someone else can provide the traditional version, we can add that as it shows up...

    Thank you


  • 0
    Dejan Jungic

    Here is a Serbian language file.

  • 0
    Joe Germuska

    Thank you. This will be included in our next update of StoryMapJS.


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    CHIPS Labo

    In Dutch

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    Aliaksei Shota


    Here is translation for Belarusian language.

  • 0
    Knight Lab

    Apologies for the lateness. I was not getting notifications about posts here. I've added these latest translations to StoryMap.

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